Continuing the Legacy of Our Founders

Our History

History, Founders & Executive Board

American Order of Combat


The American Order of Combat – BuDoKwan, Incorporated, (a.k.a. Order of Combat – U.S.A.) was founded by Grandmaster Ja-Mes Bethel. The original Order was first established as a Black Belt Fraternity (club) in 1978 in Pemberton Township, New Jersey (just outside of Fort Dix and McGuire AFB). The founding members, Black Belts and Masters, consisted of U.S. Military Veterans – both active and retired. The original Order included Grandmaster Jefferey Lewis, who is attributed as a founding member.

When the Order was founded, the first Grandmaster was unanimously selected by the membership and installed on July 4th of 1981. This Master was so admired by the other Black Belts, that Masters who held higher dan ranks recognized his leadership and advanced him to Grandmaster over themselves. Grandmaster Ja-Mes R. Bethel was appointed as the first Grandmaster of the American Order of Combat – BuDoKwan.

Upon assuming the 10th Degree position, Grandmaster Bethel directed that Citizenship, Education and Community Service would be the themes around which the Order would develop. To this day, those themes are held in the highest regards by its membership. The Order is widely known for their work in the community.

Ray Thomann was part of the American Order of Combat in those early years. In 1981, he began his training under Grandmaster Bethel as part of a training partnership with Grandmaster Graham of the American Moo Duk Kwan Federation. Thomann was one of only a few junior members who trained in the original Combat Bu Do Kwan system under the Order. Training took place at Grandmaster Bethel’s White Tiger Lodge; located in the Country Lakes section of Pemberton Township.

In 1985, the BuDoKwan, as the Black Belts of the organization were known, made the decision to incorporate. The Order was then formed as a non-profit corporation which has legal power by its Constitution, through the State of New Jersey, to establish ranks and set standards promoting its membership. The American Order of Combat – Budokwan is most likely the original Fraternal Organization of American Martial Artists in the United States of America.

1990’s – 2000’s

In the late 90’s, Grandmaster Thomann and Grandmaster Bethel began working together to further the influence and impact of the American Order of Combat and its practices. Together, they established the Warriors Lodge which had locations in Medford, NJ; Eastampton, NJ; and Browns Mills, NJ. During this time, GM Thomann re-established his relationship with Grandmaster Jeffrey Lewis, his first instructor in Korean Martial Arts (1976) under Grandmaster Jae C. Shin.

In the year 2000, the three came together at the Warriors Lodge in Medford, NJ, to discuss the direction of the Order in the 21st Century.  The ultimate goal was to unify all affiliated AOC lodges and put in place a foundation for success of the organization.  

Retiring as Grandmaster and awarded the title “Emeritus” in 2004, Grandmaster Bethel named Jeffrey Lewis as his Official successor as Grandmaster of the Order.  After his retirement, Grandmaster Bethel continued teaching and made his “home” at the Warriors Lodge (S. Jersey). He and GM Thomann trained many students in the Martial Arts disciplines, promoting them to the ranks of Black Belt, Sensei and Master. Grandmaster Bethel continued to be active until his Vietnam War related injuries caused his health to seriously decline.  He passed away March 13, 2009

After Grandmaster Bethel’s passing, Grandmaster Lewis promoted GM Thomann to the rank of 9th Dan Black Belt (Master of Sorrow) within the organization.

New Era Begins

The year 2017 marked the beginning of a “new era” for the American Order of Combat.  Grandmaster Ray Thomann was given the task, by Grandmaster Lewis, to assist him in leading the Order in the next chapter of its history.  In July of that year, he traveled to the South Jersey & Philadelphia area to take part in Grandmaster Graham’s (American Moo Duk Kwan Federation) 50th Anniversary in the Martial Arts Celebration.  During that time, he met with American Martial Arts pioneers and organizational heads from various disciplines to cultivate relationships and re-affirm AOC’s influence in American Combative Arts.   In recognition of his dedication to promoting the benefits of martial arts training, Grandmaster Ray was honored by Grandmaster Graham and the American Moo Duk Kwan Federation, and inducted him into the Philadelphia Historic Martial Arts Society Hall of Fame. 

In 2020, Grandmaster Lewis promoted Ray Thomann to the position of Grandmaster of the American Order of Combat.  Grandmaster Lewis was given the title of Grandmaster Emeritus and remains active in the daily happenings of the Order

AOC Founders & Executive Leadership

Grandmaster Ja'Mes Bethel
In Memoriam

In memory of our friend and founder of the American Order of Combat.   You will always be remembered.

Grandmaster Jeffrey Lewis
Grandmaster Emeritus

Grandmaster Lewis is a founding member of the Order and its 2nd Grandmaster.  Access his bio below.  

Raymond M. Thomann Grandmaster of BuDoKwan

Ray Thomann is the current Grandmaster of the AOC and the third in its history. Click below for bio.

American Order of Combat
Board of Masters

Click below for information on the members of the AOC Board of Masters & Leadership Team.